Robots Keep Humans from Dangerous Oil and Gas Environments

Robots Keep Humans from Dangerous Oil and Gas Environments

Although the O&G sector has more historical expertise in robotics, the renewables sector is showing greater desire to adopt this tech per recent surveys. O&G professionals have been skeptical of, and resisted, immersive technologies in the past because they weren’t up to scratch, but for some companies that is already starting to change.

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Digitalization: The Not-so-Secret to Success in the Energy Transition

Digitalization: The Not-so-Secret to Success in the Energy Transition

With the United States rejoining the Paris Agreement, the world’s eyes are back on the prize of limiting global warming. To meet the international goals agreed upon in Paris, technology is going to need to play a large role. Energy companies have to continue to embrace a transition to digitalization as they transition to renewable energy.

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