What Is the Industrial Metaverse?
/The metaverse—and for us, the industrial metaverse specifically—have become hot topics as of late. Most people’s picture of the metaverse involves us all walking (or flying?) around virtual worlds and living our lives inside digital platforms.
From Venture Beat
While that’s cool and futuristic, it’s not the metaverse as those of us using it see it. The metaverse—read like THE Ohio State University—is far from becoming a reality. However, there are smaller, more distinct metaverses around the world being used to thrust us forward to the future.
We’re most excited about the industrial metaverses being built at enterprises—bringing digital twins, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and other emerging technologies together to change entire industries.
In its comprehensive guide to the metaverse, The Metaverse Insider lays out Matthew Ball’s nine pillars and current gaps to a true metaverse. The pillar include:
Virtual Worlds refer to the metaverse as naturally being digital.
Likewise, 3D means the digital metaverse must be comprised of 3D environments..
Real-time rendered means the digital 3D metaverse must be continually developed and experienced. It is equivalent to the metaverse being a continual online experience.
Next, the metaverse must be Interoperable which means the multiple subsections or worlds of the metaverse are tracked interdependently.
As of now, there are many separate metaverses. The future vision of a single integrated metaverse is far off—and will possibly never materialize. This is how new technological revolutions happen: Start with narrow scopes, refine those, broaden into new scopes, repeat.
We’ll immerse ourselves in how industrial enterprises are using metaverse technologies to work better. Until one day we wake up and spend our whole day in a digital utopia.
Want to check out the latest tech, use cases and best practices being used by industrial/energy/engineering firms in the industrial metaverse…all at one place, one time?
Then plan to join hundreds of XR, 3D, AI, Reality Capture and Digital Twin leaders at Industrial Immersive Week, August 28-30 in Houston, TX.